Oh Lay Choo

29th Mar 2020
Ping Cheow Ong 29 Mar 2020

Mum, I love You forever. You are the greatest Mother.

Huay Siang Ong Sis-in-law · 29 Mar 2020

A very sad day today to hear of the demise of my eldest sister-in-law. Although I know of her severe illness, it's still a shock to receive this unexpected news coming too soon. Thankful that I managed to see her a few weeks back and had a good chat with her. As a loving mother, she had sacrificed much in raising and nurturing her four children into matured adults. Dear children, it heartens me to see you all taking good care of your mom during her illness. I understand Yin Fern has brought her on yearly travel in the past few years prior to her being sick and Ah Pong uprooted himself from overseas to spend time with her in the last few months. Khan Lee showered her with lots of nutrients to stay strong and I was glad to also see Khan Yong around caring for her. I am grateful to my sis-in-law for those days when she had helped to arrange transport to bring my late mother's mahjong kakis to our place. She would also view all